About Us

Clicking around our site you may have found that we are kind of crazy about making fashion the right way!

Here you can get to know all of us a little better.


Our Vision

It's pretty simple... create beautiful, high quality clothes that you are going to love all while supporting artisans and doing right by the world we all share.

Meet the Team

There are so many hands that go into every garment. We want you to know them by name too!


Kate Tramposh

Founder & Creative Director, Kate puts her heart and soul into this brand. Having worked in fashion houses big and small across the US & France she realized the massive need in the market for change.

One night after work at a pub with a friend she mapped out her plan and set to work on making it a reality. After a year of researching everything under the sun related to sustainability, in 2015 Atelier Kate was born in Paris.

Proud of the company she has built and the people she gets to create with, she is committed to bettering herself and the brands everyday.

Meet Our Artisans

These are the talented women and men that help bring our designs to life.

Meet The Artisans

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